hi, my name is Eleanor hazzy. welcome to my blog. hope you enjoy reading it. thank you ♥
life is like a piece of white cloth. no one is perfect in this world. people always make mistakes. . learn from the mistakes of others is better than cursing. (=
Daisypath Friendship tickers

Jan 23, 2011

miss tadika punye fasal -.-''

assalamualaikum (=

weee ~  rindu tadika la nyah ! nmpk tak bju kat ats niyy ? BHAHA , tdi aku pakai bju niy ! pecaye takk ? walaweyy ! muat pulak bju nye . tpy kitat sdikitt laaa .. mne tak ketat bju 6thn kott ! HAHA , tdy mummy n sys ckp hazirah muat lagi bju ni ? HAHA , nmpk sngt yg hazirah ni kurus tak gemok gemok . err ,terase aku dorg ckp mcm tuh -.-'' tpy hakikat nye aku mmg kurus ponn .. so kene jela terime ap yg dorg ckp tuhh .. then bile daddy blik dri keje je , aku teros ckp ayh , cube tngk bju ni . then ayh ckp ap tau dye ckp ya , Allah .. muat lagi bju ni ? HAHA , dh 14thn pon still lagi muat ? HAHA ..... then ayh teros gelak gelak smpai aku diam dan kaku mcm org dlm peti ais -.-''

*hope berat bdn naik secepat yg mungkin before baby dlm perot akak kuar XD
berat sekarang 37kg =.=''