hi, my name is Eleanor hazzy. welcome to my blog. hope you enjoy reading it. thank you ♥
life is like a piece of white cloth. no one is perfect in this world. people always make mistakes. . learn from the mistakes of others is better than cursing. (=
Daisypath Friendship tickers

Apr 1, 2011


assalamualaikum and hello stranger !

okeyy ! aku happy tengok kau happy ,. wlaupon dlm hati ni geram gile kott ! hush ! -..-
tak pela , jnji kau happy ('':
byebye friend ! sorry , dh mls nk on nom 012 ,.
hrp maklum ,
alasan yg paling tepat adalah : nom tu tk cntk ! HAHA , (mengedik) -..-

saya happy bila kamu happy ('':

thanks for reading [= 

--> i love you muhd faris iqbal !