hi, my name is Eleanor hazzy. welcome to my blog. hope you enjoy reading it. thank you ♥
life is like a piece of white cloth. no one is perfect in this world. people always make mistakes. . learn from the mistakes of others is better than cursing. (=
Daisypath Friendship tickers

Apr 21, 2011

hazzy jugakk (:

assalamualaikum andd hello starnger ^^
aww aww ! ini siapa ? ni adek kepada fathinah liyanaa . cntik ? cntk mcm akak dia ? errrrr , HAHA . yela yela cntik mcm akak dia ;pp . eyh , dia pon hazzy . nme kite same lah hazzy . . org dpt dlu la nme hazzy tuhh hazzy !  wek wek ;pp

to adek izzah hazirah (hazzy) : happy b'day izzah hazirah ! belaja rjin rjin ! jgn nk bercinto je ^^

itu sahaja mao post kali ni -..-"
sikit ? kesah ap saya .
byebye ^^